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Information: Blood Testing 

Before an appointment with Dr.Lambert, many patients are ordering testing done with some of the German labs, for example, Armin labs, who do speciality tests that are not available in the UK or Ireland; this is the new generation tests, the Elispots, which sometimes identify infections when the antibody tests are negative, or complement the available UK and Irish tests.  We do not require that you do these tests, as Lyme is a clinical diagnosis, and you can diagnose patients without any tests. However, We are happy to review the results of these tests at your initial visit to explain your results. For more information, please check their site,  Arminlabs.

The antibody tests for Lyme and other infections may be negative, and the tests that they perform in Germany are Elispot assays, and a test called the tickplex plus, a Finland based test run in the German Laboratories and elsewhere.

Dr Lambert finds the tickplex plus tests can be helpful, but once again, these are not required for consultation with Dr Lambert.
How to order: please contact labs to order a kit, and they will explain the process of how to have the tests done and have your GP or a nurse draw the blood and ship to the labs in Germany. They will send you back the results. I
t is advisable to do this on a Monday/Tuesday so there are no transportation delays.

What to do once results are available: please send a copy to us through secured communication like encrypted email;, or save your results via our secured link


IMPORTANT: This is NOT medical advice. (Arminlabs), or other EU located labs suggested by us are used only for your information, and these laboratories have no relationship with our private clinic. We provide this information as one of the options for you to decide. However, we provide medical consultation and will review these results in addition to the testing that we perform to come up with the best analysis of your medical condition. You are required directly communicate with the private EU laboratories for their terms & conditions and prices, and follow the necessary procedures & policies required by them at your risk. 




* Last updated on 20/May/2022



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